I love to build.
I love every part of it.
Though with a background in law and policy, I rarely build with hammers and nails; instead my tools consist of ideas, words, and plans that together have the power to shape environments where people can thrive.
Building anything of value is challenging. It requires, among other things, vision & hard work, character & competence, collaboration & creativity, and, of course, tenacity. While I am always learning new building techniques, my years of experience give me confidence that together, with you, we can build a Colorado we would be proud to leave to our children and grandchildren - a Colorado committed to good governance under the rule of law where life is valued and families are honored; a Colorado where infrastructure is maintained, taxpayer monies are stewarded well, and businesses thrive; a Colorado where unalienable rights are protected and liberty is advanced; a Colorado marked by the good, the true, and the beautiful.
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. ~ Isaiah 58:12
Vision &
Hard Work
"Dreamers aren't doers."
Or at least that's what I've been told.
I don't believe it.
My dreams are what led me to hop on a plane and spend three years studying in Europe; they sustained me through the all-nighters of law school; and they emboldened me to ignore the voices that regularly shouted, "You can't do that!"
My dreams have propelled me to work hard. It's impossible to graduate with honors, to start a non-profit, to teach a classical curriculum to sixth graders, or to keep a hayfield growing without a willingness to roll-up one's sleeves and put in the effort.
By helping people build a vision for their businesses, organizations, churches, families, and communities, I have discovered that dreams are contagious and that vision has power - power to create first within the mind and then with the hands.
When I heard Stephanie present the Master Plan for the Penrose Park District I was blown away. The plan was comprehensive, grand, visionary, and called out the best in our community. Stephanie worked with a diverse group of individuals who had varying backgrounds and educational levels to achieve a unified vision with great potential to inspire and connect our residents. What became clear as her presentation progressed was that she is not just a visionary, she also possesses the skills necessary to implement the vision she casts for our community. She is an impressive, gifted, articulate young woman with leadership skills which inspire others to work towards visionary goals. I enthusiastically endorse her in her run for public office.
- Jim Towne, Former Penrose Pastor
Character &
I once heard of a gentleman who vetted potential new hires by having dinner with them and their spouses. He was convinced that sharing a meal would not only reveal the true character and competence of the applicant but also inform whether the parties were a good fit.
It's an interesting concept, no? To sit down and share a meal with someone who is going to work for you. As a voter - an employer - you no doubt have a host of questions you would like to ask me. As a candidate, I wish there was time to enjoy even a coffee with each of you.
Since there is simply not enough time to meet with each of you, here are some answers to commonly asked interview-like questions:
I am a Christ follower, a constitutionalist, and a patriot.
I have faithfully served in Colorado's General Assembly for the last two years and am not part of the establishment.
I am an attorney licensed out of state and have spent more than a decade engaged in the realm of public policy.
I have assisted in the drafting of legislation and have provided written and oral testimony to a variety of legislative bodies.
I have facilitated strategic planning for entities at the international, national, state, and local levels.
I have prepared policies, procedures, budgets, et. al. for a variety of groups and programs.
I have run both non-profit and for-profit entities.
I have spent time teaching sixth grade at a public charter school and have also taught contract law at a law school.
I have a reputation for being unconventional and strong-willed, yet also kind and gracious.
If you have questions about my background, feel free to contact me. I would be happy to answer.
I have had the privilege of knowing Stephanie Luck for over a decade now. In that time, I’ve known her in her capacity as a lawyer, with a specialty in and a passion for human rights and constitutional law, and policymaking. Stephanie is a strategic thinker and a dedicated professional. She is a woman of integrity, focus and commitment. I consider myself fortunate to count her as a colleague and friend.
- Faye Sonier, Former Executive Director & General Legal Counsel, Canadian Physicians for Life
Collaboration &
Have you ever watched an infomercial and thought to yourself, "Why didn't I invent that?"
It is my contention that many "obvious" product ideas were developed during unhindered brainstorming sessions, where a group considered solutions to a problem by letting their imaginations run wild.
I enjoy hosting these types of brainstorming sessions to solve community problems. I find it especially rewarding when people with conflicting perspectives wrestle through an issue and end up developing a workable solution.
The truth is that our State is facing major issues. The kind that can only be solved by working together and thinking creatively. We will not develop solutions by pointing fingers; instead, we must spend time using our imaginations to re-examine the obvious. I am confident that if we do so, we will develop policies that make other states say, "Why didn't we think of that?"
I had the privilege of working with Stephanie during her tenure at the Syracuse University College of Law. From the beginning, Stephanie made it her mission to improve the experience of the members of the community. She is adept at working across constituencies, building consensus, and getting things done. She listens to every side of an issue and is a creative problem solver. She is diligent and will work tirelessly for the citizens of House District 60 in Colorado. When I heard that Stephanie was running for office, I was overjoyed that finally a candidate with high ethical standards, integrity, and excellent judgment was entering public service. I strongly endorse Stephanie, she will be great for Colorado!
- Tomas Gonzalez, Former Dean of Students, Syracuse University College of Law
At three years old, I was nicknamed "Tuffy" for standing up to bigger kids. At seventeen, I was introduced to the word "tenacious" after successfully battling over school policy with my District's Superintendent.
Countless times since, I have been described as a fighter, a staunch advocate, a quiet strength.
And it's true. When I feel called to build, I have a single-minded focus. I don't give up until my work is done. I have a well-worn pink hammer to prove it.